News You Can Use

Stay in the know by clicking on our informative newsletters detailing what’s new at Upper Darby FCU and in the banking industry. We’ll keep you updated with the latest promotions, product updates, events, etc. to help you stay ahead of the curve. We also have several points of interest you can explore in the boxes below.

This Month’s Highlight

Reserve the date! The 85th Annual Meeting will be held
Thursday, March 27 2025 at 6:30 pm at The Oaks, 511 Oak Lane, Glenolden.
Join us as we celebrate another successful year in our UDBell history.
Catch up with friends and meet the Board and staff of your credit union.
Find out about initiatives for this year and beyond in our
“State of the Credit Union” address. Seating is limited so
we encourage you to send in your reservation today.
We are charging just $10 per person for the dinner and beverage tickets.

Call us at 610-734-1883 to make your reservation today.
We look forward to seeing you there!


See more information in our March Newsletter 

Looking for a great used car?

Check out the offering from our corporate partner, Enterprise Car Sales. You’ll get a great car, great value, and great rate. And that’s as good as it gets!
If you’re looking for a car, visit their site at
or call 888-227-7253 to find the Enterprise Car Sales closest to you.

Be sure to let them know you are a UDBell member to get their best deal.

What’s behind the number in your FICO Score?

FICO is not only used for lending institutions, but also by insurance companies, landlords, employers and others who will use it in an effort to determine your credit worthiness. Your score is based upon five components with weighted averages.

  1. Payment History at 35%
  2. Amount Owed at 30%
  3. Length of credit history at 15%
  4. New credit at 10%
  5. Types of credit used at 10%

By keeping your loans current, you’ll position yourself for more credit availability and lower rates going forward.

Tips to avoid credit card fraud

Tips to avoid credit card fraud:

  • Keep Your Credit Cards Safe
  • Shred Anything with Your Credit Card Number on It
  • Don’t Sign Blank Credit Card Receipts
  • Avoid Giving out Your Credit Card Information
  • Be Safe with Your Credit Card Online
  • Report Lost or Stolen Credit Cards Immediately
  • Review Your Billing Statements Each Month
  • Make Strong Passwords and Keep Them Safe
  • Check Gas Stations and ATMs for Credit Card Skimmers

Reference: The Balance

Tips to avoid check fraud

Tips to avoid check fraud:

Click here for FBI Fraud Alert

  • Prevention Tips

    • Before accepting a check, validate the check with the paying institution.
    • Use a telephone number of record, not the number on the document. Ask for the “check fraud” department. *
    • Place check holds on check deposits in accordance with Regulation CC and the credit union funds availability policy.
    • Longer exception holds can be used on checks: amounts over $5,000, or if there is reasonable cause to doubt collectability.
    • Review the member’s account history and average balance to help identify unusual deposits.
    • Reconcile the corporate checking account daily.
    • Any cashier’s checks that were not properly issued by the credit union should be identified and returned by the credit union’s midnight deadline.
    • Report any counterfeit teller’s checks within the timeframe outlined in the account agreement between the credit union and its bank or corporate credit union.
    • Consider using positive pay as a verification service if your institution allows.

    Mitigation Tips

    • Send an item for collection and do not give availability to the funds until payment is received from the drawee bank.
    • The provisional credit you may receive is no guarantee that the item cannot come back at a later date.
    • Foreign institutions will take longer to clear. The midnight return rule doesn’t apply to foreign checks, because Regulation CC doesn’t apply to checks issued by foreign banks.
    • Understand the member’s liability for deposits of returned items, based on the state’s Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and pursue available recovery from the member. The credit union may also have a claim for breach of transfer warranties under the UCC.